My Food Diary: low sugar, caffeine free and veggie friendly


After NYE I am determined to ‘healthyfy’ my lifestyle and one of that is to eat healthier. I already eat quite healthy if I say so myself like eating fruit and vegetables everyday, being a pescatarian and cook fresh meals per day.

Yet I still want to eat healthier and after NYE I went on a food detox because there are still eating flaws that I want to target on: less sugar and caffeine use and low carb intake. Yet I wont be following a strict diet or something.

I want to use my own strength and willpower (training mind!) in order to make this food detox week happen. I believe if you replace some ingredients for healthier ones and by making strict choices to yourself (eat a cookie now or no dessert in the evening) it would make a food detox week fun and perhaps even bearable! You are in control of your own food choices and healthy life!

I would like to share and inspire you guys my food detox week by showing you guys my food diary. A food diary about the 3 main meals of the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner!


Ik heb vastbesloten om mijn levensstijl wat gezonder te maken zoals gezonder eten. Ik eet best gezond al zeg ik het zelf want ik eet elke dag netjes mijn groenten en fruit. Ik ben een pescotariër en kook verse maaltijden per dag, maar dat is niet genoeg! Ik wil nog gezonder eten.

Ik ging dus mijn lichaam ontgiftigen door een ‘food detox’ te houden. Ik wil voornamelijk minder suiker en cafeïne gebruiken en ook minder koolhydraten.

Mijn food detox viel niet onder een streng dieet trouwens. Nee, ik wil op eigen kracht en wilskracht (je geest trainen!) gebruiken om mijn food detox waar te maken. Je kunt namelijk bijvoorbeeld bepaalde ingrediënten vervangen door nog gezondere ingrediënten. Daarnaast zijn strenge keuzes maken ook heel belangrijk (een koekje eten nu of geen toetje in de avond) en zo ben je eigen baas van je food detox die ook leuk en misschien zelfs draaglijk maakt!

Graag deel ik mijn eet dagboek met jullie en hopelijk inspireert het jullie ook! Een eetdagboek dat gaat over de 3 belangrijke maaltijden van de dag: ontbijt, lunch en diner!

How I dress up my meals

Fibre stuff, fruit, plain yogurt (I use Skyr which contains 0% fat), almond/nut milk and caffeine free tea.

(raw) fresh vegetables, healthy bread spread: natural plain peanut butter, vegetable spreads, nut spread and margarine.

Brown rice, quinoa, good canned food, lots of spices and herbs, soy products and eggs.

Bread? Yes!

"The whiter the bread the quicker you're dead"
But I still eat bread and planning not to quit it either.  I usually eat 2 slices of bread. Just make sure you eat 'good' bread. A basic bread only contains: flour, water, yeast and salt. Usually I avoid factory baked loafs and go for the artisan bakers bread. Here's a nice article of BBC about bread. 
How my week looked like
breakfast: porridge with nuts and raisins // lunch: whole wheat bun with greens, assorted vegetables and fruit // dinner: penne pasta with tomatoes garlic and tuna 

breakfast: yogurt // lunch: whole wheat sesame bun with greens and assorted vegetables //  dinner: creamy (soy) risotto with sweet corn, mushroom, spinach and veggie sausage 

breakfast: crackers (knäckebröd) with cheese and vegetable spread and peanut butter // lunch: bread with vegetable spread and cucumber // dinner: curry couscous with egg, mint and grilled vegetables

breakfast: plain yogurt // lunch: focaccia bread // dinner: stir fried udon noodles

breakfast: yogurt with banana, spelt cereal and raisin // lunch: whole wheat bun with cheese, cucumber, apple and 'beschuit' //  dinner: bun with rocket salad and vegetable hamburger patties

breakfast: oatmeal pancakes with toppings // lunch: slices of bread with peanut butter and cheese and cucumber // dinner: creamy (soy) spaghetti with mushroom, Brussels sprout and sweet corn

breakfast: oatmeal savory pancakes with corn // lunch: peanut butter banana toast // dinner: eggplant pizza (recipe? Here!) with Chinese corn soup

caffeine free
Did you know I am having 1 caffeine day per week and it's Saturday? Yeah Saturday is my day where I can indulge on a nice cup of coffee and green tea. 
Caffeine facts:
• chocolate contains caffeine too - the darker the more
• decaf coffee is not 100% caffeine free unfortunate
• though green tea has higher amount of caffeine than decaf
• caffeine can help in getting rid of cellulite!
I might sound super strict and picky but I still drink green tea every now and then. Just not so much. After all I'm a green tea lover. Cutting my caffeine habit makes my Saturday extra rewarding too.
Here below are delicious caffeine free drinks that I had during my food detox week:
Coconut milk with honey
For all coconut lovers out there: a nice warm glass of coconut milk with a tablespoon of honey init!

Ginger tea
A sweet and spicy drink. It's also a nice drink for when you are having a cold too.

 Black sesame latte
One of my favorite homemade drink and it's the black sesame latte. Made with powdered black sesame and soy milk. 

Grain coffee
Grain coffee is a good and healthy coffee replacer. Extra healthy too if you replace creamer with soy milk. 

Lemon tea with honey
Pretty much the same thing as the ginger tea but instead of ginger it's lemon. Also a great drink for when you have a cold.

Mint tea with honey
I happen to have lots of mint plants growing in the back yard and sometimes I like to make mint tea of it! Mint tea happens to be one of my favorite kind of teas too.

Caffeine free teas 
Here are some caffeine tea bags: rooibos, star anise with licorice root and herbal teas (like nettle).

Guilty free snacking!
If you think I stick to my 3 meals per day than you're wrong! I do snack between those meals but with healthy and better snacks. Here are some examples:
I love eating ramen and pot noodles but they are very unhealthy. Choosing better instant noodles like this one is like eating guilt free instant noodles! For even more better guilt free enjoys: ditch the soup base packages and use own seasoning like soy sauce, sesame oil and peppers!

I've been busy improving in baking sugarfree stuff. More of this soon!

One of my favorite snacks: seaweed. It's very healthy, nutritious and delicious. This one has wasabi flavor to it so it's hot and spicy too.

How do you eat healthy?
» Food diary 2


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