Summer Break: Rimini!


I want to start this post with a sad memorial note because today is exactly one year ago where the boeing MH17 that was heading towards Asia but never reached destination because it crashed in Ukraine leaving no survivors. This, do you remember?
Extra emotional for me since the plane took off from my country with many of my nationality inside.
Especially the speech spoken by the wife of co-pilot who attended the memorial was a soulhitter.

I like to fly and I really enjoy being in the same height as the clouds.

As announced I’ll be going to Barcelona and! I’m going to Rimini too which is a town known for the long 12km beach in Italy! Si!
It was a real spontaneous and impulsive act because this was a last minute ticket booking. I’ll be heading to Italy in the first week of August than second week to Spain.
And all this concludes a summer full of food obviously, I can’t wait!  

Ik wil de post van vandaag beginnen met een triest herdenking noot want vandaag is het precies een jaar geleden waar de boeing MH17 die richting Azië vloog maar nooit bestemming bereikte omdat het neerstortte in Oekraïne door geweld.
Ik denk dat dit nog vers in ieders herinnering zit, althans bij mij.
Vooral de toespraak van de vrouw van de copiloot die de herdenking bij woonde raakte zeer diep in me.

Vliegen doe ik graag en evenals ben ik graag in dezelfde hoogte als de wolken om me heen.

Zoals aangekondigd ga ik naar Barcelona en! Ik ga ook naar Rimini toe! Een stad bekend om de lange 12km strand in Italië, Si! Het was een echte spontane en impulsieve daad, en het was een last-minute ticket. In de eerste week van augustus zal ik in Italië zijn. In de tweede week in Spanje. En dit alles concludeert een zomer vol lekker eten natuurlijk, ik kan niet wachten!

Receiving gifts on today's final school day by my pupils and co-workers! I wasn't prepared for any of this at all, thank you!

 Iced hazelnut coffee, mhmm...!


  1. This is looking so lovely !


  2. Mmmm, ice coffee is the best! I'm often not up to date with the news, so I don't know about the incident. But I hope your people are alright, even if it's a year after. I can't wait to see your photos from the trip, I know they'll be beautiful!

    becky | star violet

  3. I do remember the plane crash, so tragic :( I hope you have a wonderful trip!

  4. Yes, I do remember the very tragic incident :( Wishing you safe travels!

  5. Aww that's so lovely that your student and co workers got you those gorgeous gifts! You deserved it! Also have fun on your impromtu trip! And yes, so many people over here are remembering the tragic incident over here especially all over malaysia.

  6. It was such a sad day, it's important to remember the people we lost. On a happier note, you're going to love Rimini. The sea is not that great but it's the most lively area in the summer, both during the day and at night. Lots of fun things to do. Eat some piadina while you're there ;)

  7. It's sad when we talk about that incident, but I still enjoying flying a lot! Just hope everyone can have a safe flight always! x

  8. Aww, super cute of your students! The plane crash still gives me weird and sad feelings, it still feels unreal. Hope you have a fun time in Spain and Italy!! c:

  9. I remember in elementary school and middle school I would always give my teachers presents! I should probably start doing it again. I know that gifts aren't necessary to show your appreciation, but it's never a bad thing :) The iced hazelnut coffee looks so good! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

  10. oh has it been a year? all these tragic event that occur and then in a blink of an eye an entire year has passed. it makes me wonder how my life went on and makes me think about the lives of those involved... how it must've been for them. xx


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