Streetfood Prague


Another update about my summer holiday in Czech Republic/Prague 2014! And this time I want to show you guys this market I have been to. I’m sure you guys know me by now that I love markets and I can really stroll around and around and around for hours. Especially when there’s food involved and this market sure is not lacking of it.

I’m quite adventurous when it comes to unknown food and every time I go abroad, I always want to try something authentic, and in this case: Czech food. Czech food itself is quite full of meat, especially wild meats like rabbits, wild boar and birds. And since I’m a vegetarian, I automatically skipped that.

Lucky for me Czech food is also sweet based, so I was all on board on the pastry boat c:

So back to this market. Firstly, it was so colourful and so much variety in stands: fruit/veg, flowers, bakery, open BBQ and even more! And secondly, it was unbelievably cheap! And a good thing I was capable in restraining myself, because I might still have not left Prague

Anyway time to scroll down!

Weer een update over mijn zomer vakantie in Tsjechië / Praag 2014! En deze keer neem ik jullie mee naar een markt waar ik geweest ben. Waarschijnlijk kennen jullie me ondertussen wel dat ik ongelooflijk dol ben op marktjes en dergelijke en vooral wanneer er eten betrokken is. Ietwat deze markt zeker niet aan ontbreekt.

Ik ben nogal avontuurlijk als het gaat om onbekende gerechten en elke keer als ik naar het buitenland ga, wil ik altijd iets authentieks uitproberen, en in dit geval: Tsjechische gerechten. Bij Tsjechisch eten staat centraal het vlees, vooral wild vlees zoals konijnen (:c), wilde zwijnen en gevogelte. En aangezien ik vegetariër ben, sloeg ik dit uiteraard automatisch over.

Gelukkig voor mij heeft Tsjechisch eten ook een zoete kant, dus ik was helemaal in mijn nopjes met zoete baksels.

Maar goed, even terug naar deze markt. Ten eerste, het was zo kleurrijk en zo veel gevarieerd koopwaar: fruit/groenten, bloemen, een bakker, een open BBQ en nog veel meer! En ten tweede, het was ongelooflijk goedkoop! En maar goed dat ik in staat was om zelf goed in bedwang te houden, want anders was ik nu nog steeds in Praag..

Hoe dan ook, tijd om naar beneden te scrollen!

 It looks not bad right?
So I bought it and this chocolate thing is so heavy! Like clay! The texture is quite funny because it tasted like
uncooked dough. And it made me wonder if I should have baked it in the oven or not?

 And it tasted pretty good c:

Dried mango's! 

I'm kind of regretting myself not buying these blueberries in baskets. Could have DIY'd something with it....

 And last but not least: street artists! And this woman can sing!


  1. What an amazing post! So much to look at and make me want to lick my screen!! HELP!

  2. Everything looks so beautiful! Love the berry photos. Maybe the chocolate should've been baked? It looks like dough to me.

  3. how much do i wish i had been there with you?! this looks like an amazing market - as you say, so colourful and beautiful to look at, as well as delicious (i can only imagine). so jealous of that dried mango! i don't want your Prague posts to ever stop :) x

    Miho @ Wander to Wonder

  4. Oh my goodness, all that food's making me hungry! Those blueberries in particular look amazing, they make the ones in Australia look tiny in comparison...

  5. *drools* Gosh your food photos are always so delicious looking. *licks screen*

  6. Het ziet er inderdaad allemaal echt superkleurrik uit! Ik krijg echt trek van deze foto's! Oeh dat ijs en je koekje! C:
    Liefs, Tessa

  7. Well, this kind of market is right up my street...


  8. Well great, now I'm craving chocolate... Though that heart-shaped cookie is really cute too :-)

  9. OOOH! I just got back from work and I'm so hungry now :(

  10. Did you get to try one of those cinnamon swirly things?? They were my favourite, not sure if it's just a winter thing though!

  11. This looks like a wonderful place! If I went I don't think I could resist buying so many lovely treats.

  12. Ik wil het echt allemaal opeten! Als ik op marktjes ben, zie ik op 1 of andere manier nooit lekker eten, maar nu ga ik toch wat beter kijken!

  13. I definitely ate ALL the brats in Prague :) So good

  14. I love street scenes like this! So colorful and delicious :) Those basket full of fruits is so so cute. And I thought the same thing kinda - thinking how I could reuse that basket in so many ways if I had bought it! :)

  15. Love to stop by the markets when visiting cities, it's so much fun to look at the different food and how it is displayed. Also it's always the best opportunity to feel like a local :) Good pics!

  16. I would want everything at that market! Looks so good!

  17. *frantically tries to find the button to download food from the Internet* -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's


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